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Joint Transportation Committee

JTC is a bipartisan, bicameral legislative agency that conducts transportation related studies and other activities to inform state and local government policymakers, including legislators and associated staff.

    Upcoming agency activity

    See current and upcoming debates, votes, and activities in Joint Transportation Committee (JTC).

    There are no published meetings scheduled.

    Today, March 28, is day 75 of the 2025 regular session
    There are 30 day(s) left this session


    Joint Transportation Committee (JTC)

    The JTC is governed by an Executive Committee consisting of the Chairs and Ranking Members of the House and Senate Transportation Committees. The two Chairs serve as Co-Chairs for the JTC. JTC studies and other activities are managed by non-partisan JTC staff. 




    P.O. Box 40937

    Olympia, WA 98501-0937


    606 Columbia Street NW

    Suite 105

    Olympia, WA 98501

    Committee members

    4 members
    in the Joint Transportation Committee (JTC)
    List of ranking members of the committee
    Co-Chair: Fey, Jake
    Co-Chair: Liias, Marko
    Committee members

    Legislative Members

    List of legislative members of the committee
    Member District Room Phone
    Fey, Jake (D)
    27 415 John L. O'Brien Building 360-786-7974
    Liias, Marko (D)
    21 305 John A. Cherberg Building 360-786-7640
    Barkis, Andrew (R)
    2 427A Legislative Building 360-786-7824
    King, Curtis (R)
    14 340A Irv Newhouse Building 360-786-7626
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