Select Committee on Pension Policy

Pension Education and Overview

General Pension Acronyms 

AFC Average Final Compensation
COLA Cost Of Living Adjustment
CTF Commingled Trust Fund
DB Defined Benefit
DC Defined Contribution
DCP Deferred Compensation Program
DRS Department of Retirement Systems
ERF Early Retirement Factor
GASB Governmental Accounting Standards Board
OPEB Other Post-Employment Benefits
OSA Office of the State Actuary
PFC Pension Funding Council
ROR Rate of Return
TAP Total Allocation Portfolio
WSIB Washington State Investment Board
YOS Years of Service

Actuarial Acronyms

ASOP Actuarial Standards of Practice
AVA Actuarial Value of Assets
AVR Actuarial Valuation Report
EANC Entry Age Normal Cost
MVA Market Value of Assets
PBO Pension Benefit Obligation
PUC Projected Unit Credit
PVFB Present Value of Future Benefits
PVFS Present Value of Future Salaries
UAAL Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability

Retirement System Acronyms
HERP Higher Education Retirement Plan
JRA Judicial Retirement Account

Law Enforcement Officers and Fire Fighters

PERS Public Employees' Retirement System
PSERS Public Safety Employees' Retirement System
SERS School Employees' Retirement System


Teachers' Retirement System
VFF Volunteer Fire Fighters
WSPRS Washington State Patrol Retirement Systems