The tables in this appendix provide brief descriptions of the programs listed in the
study proviso and other programs identified by JLARC staff that expand recreational
lands and facilities. This appendix also provides inks to one-page summaries of each
- Program goals and descriptions are adapted from discussions with program staff and
review of agency documents.
- JLARC staff identified existing outcome measures based on agency documents and
interviews with agency program staff, county offices, and a survey of local
- Other benefits associated with each program were identified by agencies and
organized into four broad categories: community, economy, environment, and safety.
The benefits identified for specific programs are consistent with benefits generally
associated with environmental programs documented in academic literature. JLARC
staff did not review whether programs produced these benefits.
Acquisition programs in the study mandate
Salmon Recovery Funding Board (SRFB)
Print Friendly One-Page Summary
Agencies Involved |
Program Goal |
Program Description |
Statutory citizen board with staff support from Recreation and Conservation
Office (RCO) |
Improve habitat conditions or watershed processes to benefit salmon and bull
trout. |
SRFB provides grant funding to achieve salmon recovery, including habitat
projects and other activities. Funded projects may include land acquisition.
Projects are prioritized at local level. |
Puget Sound Acquisition and Restoration (PSAR)
Print Friendly One-Page Summary
Agencies Involved |
Program Goal |
Program Description |
Puget Sound Partnership and RCO |
To recover self-sustaining, harvestable salmon runs in a manner that
contributes to the overall health of Puget Sound and its watersheds and allows
us to enjoy and use this precious resource in concert with our region’s economic
vitality and prosperity levels. |
PSAR provides grant funding for salmon habitat protection and restoration
projects. Projects follow priorities set in federally-approved plans and the
Puget Sound Action Agenda (e.g., estuary restoration, nearshore protection).
Puget Sound Estuary and Salmon Restoration Program (ESRP)
Print Friendly One-Page Summary
Agencies Involved |
Program Goal |
Program Description |
Puget Sound Partnership, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW),
and RCO |
Protect and restore the natural processes that create and sustain the Puget
Sound nearshore ecosystem. |
ESRP provides state and federal funding and technical assistance to
organizations working to restore shoreline and nearshore habitat. The program
prioritizes projects that use management measures for implementation. |
Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program (WWRP)
Print Friendly One-Page Summary
Agencies Involved |
Program Goal |
Program Description |
Statutory citizen board with staff support from Recreation and Conservation
Office (RCO) |
Acquire recreation and habitat lands before they are developed and develop
recreation areas for a growing population. |
WWRP provides funding for habitat, recreation, and farmland preservation
project. Funded projects may include land acquisition. |
State Parks and Recreation Commission (State Parks)
Print Friendly One-Page Summary
Agencies Involved |
Program Goal |
Program Description |
State Parks, RCO |
Caring for Washington's most treasured lands, waters, and historic places,
connecting all Washingtonians to their diverse natural and cultural heritage,
and providing memorable recreational and educational experiences that enhance
their lives. |
State Parks stewards and maintains the state park system, acquires lands to
infill and enhance existing parks, develops recreational and support facilities
in existing parks, and acquires lands for future parks. Acquisitions are
primarily funded through grants and donations, and sometimes through the sale of
surplus park lands or other state funding. |
Trust Land Transfer (TLT)
Print Friendly One-Page Summary
Agencies Involved |
Program Goal |
Program Description |
Department of Natural Resources (DNR) |
To address several management needs of the Common School Trust lands, DNR may
transfer economically under-performing state trust land; acquire replacement
lands with higher long-term income producing potential; increase funds to the
K-12 Common School Construction Account; and conserve lands that have high
ecological or social values.
The legislature funds the transfer of state trust lands with special
ecological or social values that are difficult to manage for income
production, or that have low-income potential, out of state trust ownership to
a local or state public agency that can manage the property for its ecological
or social values. Money from the transfer funds the Common School Construction
Account, providing revenue for the trust beneficiaries, and to acquire
productive replacement properties.
Regulatory programs in the study mandate
Growth Management Act (GMA) critical areas regulations
Print Friendly One-Page Summary
Agencies Involved |
Program Goal |
Program Description |
Local governments, Department of Commerce (Commerce), Department of Ecology
(Ecology), and WDFW |
Ensure protection of the functions and values of critical areas from the
impacts of land use and development. |
Local governments designate and protect critical environmental areas and
conserve natural resource lands. Critical areas include wetlands, areas with a
critical recharging effect on aquifers used for potable water, frequently
flooded areas, geologically hazardous areas, and fish and wildlife habitat
conservation areas. |
Wetlands restrictions
Print Friendly One-Page Summary
Agencies Involved |
Program Goal |
Program Description |
Local governments and Ecology |
Improve, or at least achieve no net loss, in quantity and quality of state’s
wetlands. |
Ecology implements the Clean Water Act (CWA) for wetland permits. Local
governments identify and designate wetlands and develop regulations. Both
Ecology and local governments require review of development permits. |
Shoreline Management Act (SMA)
Print Friendly One-Page Summary
Agencies Involved |
Program Goal |
Program Description |
Local governments and Ecology |
Achieve no net loss of shoreline ecological functions and prevent harm to the
state’s shorelines while protecting private property. |
The SMA requires that development within marine, lake, and stream shorelines
complies with the local government's Shoreline Master Program approved by
Ecology. |
Forest Practices regulation
Print Friendly One-Page Summary
Agencies Involved |
Program Goal |
Program Description |
Forest Practices Board with staff support from DNR |
Regulate the management of public and private commercial forestlands
consistent with sound policies of natural resource protection; maintain a viable
forest products industry; protect other forest resources. |
The Forest Practices rules govern forest practices such as timber harvest,
thinning, and road construction to ensure compliance with state and federal law,
including the Endangered Species and Clean Water Acts. |
Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA)
Print Friendly One-Page Summary
Agencies Involved |
Program Goal |
Program Description |
Ensure that construction or work is done in a manner that protects fish
life. |
A Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA) is required from WDFW for construction or
work that affects the bed or flow of state waters. WDFW habitat biologists
provide technical assistance and issue HPAs with requirements to ensure the
work sequentially avoids, minimizes, or compensates for remaining unavoidable
harm to fish life including their habitat.
Clean Water Act
Print Friendly One-Page Summary
Agencies Involved |
Program Goal |
Program Description |
Local governments and Ecology |
To protect and restore state waters to sustain healthy watersheds and
communities and to ensure that state waters support beneficial uses including
recreational and business activities, supplies for clean drinking water, and
the protection of fish, shellfish, wildlife, and public health.
The Department of Ecology protects and restores water quality through permits,
financial and technical assistance, water quality standards, and monitoring. The
Clean Water Act requires monitoring and reporting on water quality. |
Floodplain management
Print Friendly One-Page Summary
Agencies Involved |
Program Goal |
Program Description |
Local governments and Ecology |
Reduce losses to life and property and protect the environmental functions of
floodplains. |
Local governments and Ecology implement the National Flood Insurance Program
(NFIP) through standards for flood plain management, regulations and permits,
flood risk reduction, and community programs. |
Other programs identified by JLARC staff
Natural Areas Program
Print Friendly One-Page Summary
Agencies Involved |
Program Goal |
Program Description |
Protect rare plant and animal habitat, native ecosystems, scenic landscapes,
as determined by the Washington Natural Heritage Plan criteria. |
Natural Areas Preserves and Natural Resource Conservation Areas protect
ecological communities, native ecosystems, habitat for endangered or threatened
species, and scenic landscapes. |
Forestry Riparian Easement Program (FREP)
Print Friendly One-Page Summary
Agencies Involved |
Program Goal |
Program Description |
Compensate landowners for the loss of the value of timber caused by expansion
of Forest Practices rules. |
DNR acquires 50-year conservation easements along riparian areas from small
forest landowners. The program reimburses eligible landowners for 50%-89% of the
value of the trees they are required to leave to protect fish habitat. |
Riparian and Habitat Open Space Program (RHOSP)
Print Friendly One-Page Summary
Agencies Involved |
Program Goal |
Program Description |
Maintain a fully functional riparian management zone on rivers where the
channel may migrate. |
DNR acquires permanent conservation easements from landowners, compensating
them for 100% of the value of the timber they must leave to protect fish
habitat. |
Other WDFW acquisitions
Print Friendly One-Page Summary
Agencies Involved |
Program Goal |
Program Description |
Preserve habitat for fish and wildlife and compatible recreation by acquiring
key areas for public ownership. |
WDFW pursues funding to acquire land reviewed through an internal process
called Lands 20/20. |
Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account (ALEA)
Print Friendly One-Page Summary
Agencies Involved |
Program Goal |
Program Description |
Reestablish the natural, self-sustaining ecological functions of the
waterfront, providing or restoring public access to the water, and increasing
public awareness of aquatic lands as a finite natural resource and irreplaceable
public heritage. |
The program funds projects associated with navigable waters of the state. |
Nonhighway and Off-Road Vehicle Activities (NOVA)
Print Friendly One-Page Summary
Agencies Involved |
Program Goal |
Program Description |
Acquire, plan, develop, maintain, and manage off-road vehicle trails and
areas. |
The program funds projects associated with off-road vehicle trails and
areas. |
Boating Facilities Program (BFP)
Print Friendly One-Page Summary
Agencies Involved |
Program Goal |
Program Description |
Acquire, develop, plan, and renovate public boating facilities for motorized
boats. |
The program funds projects associated with public boating facilities. |
Firearms and Archery Range Recreation Program (FARR)
Print Friendly One-Page Summary
Agencies Involved |
Program Goal |
Program Description |
Acquire, develop, or improve range facilities. |
The program funds projects associated with firearms and archery range
recreation. |
Youth Athletic Facilities (YAF)
Print Friendly One-Page Summary
Agencies Involved |
Program Goal |
Program Description |
Acquire, develop, equip, maintain, and improve youth or community athletic
facilities. |
The program funds projects associated with youth or community athletic
facilities. |
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