Summary of this Review

The Preference Provides Tax Type Estimated Biennial Beneficiary Savings

A sales and use tax exemption on the first $32,000 of a sale or lease agreement for qualifying new clean alternative fuel vehicles with a manufacturer's suggested retail price of $42,500 or less for the lowest price base model.

The preference is scheduled to expire when one of the following occurs:

  • The total number of qualifying vehicles titled on or after July 15, 2015, reaches 7,500.
  • July 1, 2019.

Sales and Use
RCWs 82.08.809; 82.12.809

$14.8 million

Public Policy Objective

The Legislature stated it wanted to increase the use of qualifying clean alternative fuel vehicles by reducing the price of such vehicles.


Legislative Auditor’s Recommendation

Review: The Legislature should review the preference in the 2019 legislative session if the number of qualifying vehicles titled in Washington has not reached 7,500.

Commissioner Recommendation: The Commission endorses the Legislative Auditor’s recommendation with comment.

The Legislature should review this preference and revisit its expectations for the number of qualifying vehicles.

Details on this Preference


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