The Washington State Register is a biweekly publication distributed on the first and third Wednesdays of each month. It includes notices of proposed rules, emergency and permanently adopted rules, public meetings, requests for public input, notices of rules review, executive orders of the governor, court rules, summary of attorney general opinions, juvenile disposition standards, basic filing procedure, agency rule-making activity, quarterly rule-making report, closing date calendar, preproposal calendar, rules coordinators, public records officers, and the state maximum interest rate (which appears on the inside front cover). To find the text of any particular item, use either the WAC-WSR Table or the Register Index. To find the WAC title number for a specific agency use the Agency-WAC Table. You may do a text search of the Register. You also can go to a specific type of filing (Proposals, Preproposals, Permanent, Emergency, Expedited rule and Miscellaneous) in a particular Issue of the Register. Note: If the document exceeded the page count limitations of WAC 1-21-040, select the issue number link in the Reviser's Note at the end of the document to view the document in its entirety. The Register is divided into eight major areas:
For more information, contact the Register Editor by e-mail, or call (360) 786-6697. |