Revised Code of Washington (RCW) Archive

​​​​The Statute Law Committee declares that the certified PDF publication documents on the Office of the Code Reviser's website constitute the official publication of the Revised Code of Washington.

For the current version of the RCW updated twice a year, go to the full RCW page.

Certified PDF Publication

The links below go to pages containing the certified version of the entire RCW that were current for that specific year in a single column format.


The links belo​w go to pages containing copies of the RCW as they existed when they were published that year.  The archived versions are available as PDF files of each volume as they were printed for the official books.  Each page in the PDF files notes the year the page is from.

For the current version of the RCW, go to the full RCW page.

​​ ​Archived Printed Publication
 ​2022  ​2021  ​2020​  ​2019​  ​2018​  ​2017  ​2016  ​2015  ​2014 ​ ​2013 
 ​2012  ​2011  ​2010  ​2009  ​2008  ​2007  ​2006  ​2005  ​2004  ​2003 
​ ​2002  ​2001  ​2000  ​1999  ​1998  ​1997  ​1996  ​1995​ ​ ​1994  ​1993 
​ ​1992  ​1991  ​1990  ​1988  ​1987  ​1986  ​1985  ​1984  ​1983 ​ ​1982 
​ ​1981  ​1980  ​1979  ​1978  ​1977 ​ ​1976  ​1975  ​1974 ​ ​1973 
