Senate Administration
Senate Employment Application
Session Employment Application

Name: _______________________________________________________      Telephone: (       )   _________________
                   (last)                                    (first)                              (initial)

Permanent address:________________________________________________________________________________ 
                                           PO Box/Street City                                                        State                                      Zip

For messages contact:   ____________________________________________________________________________ 

Address: ______________________________________________________   Telephone: (        ) __________________

Please list all previous legislative sessions worked:
Jobs held: ________________________________________________

Most recent non-legislative employment (attach resume with additional information, if applicable):
Employer: _______________________________________
Address: _________________________________________
Phone: __________________________________________
Position: _____________________From:_____ To: ___
Reason for leaving: _________________________________
Skills: (e.g., computer, if applicable):



Name: ___________________________________________________________      Phone: (       )   _________________
                   (name)                                             (address)

Name: ___________________________________________________________      Phone: (       )   _________________
                   (name)                                             (address)

Name: ___________________________________________________________      Phone: (       )   _________________
                   (name)                                             (address)

Legislative Position Applied For:
Mark one or more categories. (Indicate order of preferences by numbering.)

(  ) Asst. Sergeant at Arms/Security Officer
(  ) Attorney
(  ) Legislative Information Specialist
(  ) Cafeteria Staff
(  ) Committee Clerk
(  ) Legislative Aide
(  ) Page Supervisor
(  ) Hot Line Operations
(  ) Information Officer
(  ) Research Analyst
Other (specify): _________________

The Washington State Senate is an equal opportunity employer. Persons who need assistance in the application process or need this application in an alternative format should contact the Secretary of the Senate's office.

Please return completed application and resumé (if applicable) to:

Secretary of the Senate
P.O. Box 40482
Olympia, WA 98504-0482
(360) 786-7550
1-800-635-9993 (TTY)


I understand that legislative employees are exempt from state civil service law and the Merit System Rules, and that the Senate is an "at-will" employer and may terminate my employment at any time, with or without cause.


(signature of applicant)