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House Education Committee

Committees hold public hearings on bills, take votes in executive sessions, and study issues in work sessions. Learn about the Education Committee, its membership and meetings, and how to participate.

    The House Education Committee considers issues relating to kindergarten through twelfth grade (K-12) education.

    House of Representatives
    Committee status
    ​(Please note: This is a general description of issue areas considered by committees; not a definitive or exhaustive listing. It is provided solely to assist the public in understanding the general roles of House committees.)


    Office of Program Research (OPR)


    John L. O'Brien Building

    P.O. Box 40600

    Olympia, WA 98504-0600

    Upcoming committee activity

    See current and upcoming debates, votes, and activities in House Education Committee.

    No upcoming meetings to display.

    Committee members and staff

    19 members
    in the House Education Committee
    List of ranking members of the committee
    Chair: Santos, Sharon Tomiko
    Vice Chair: Shavers, Clyde
    Ranking Minority Member: Rude, Skyler
    Assistant Ranking Minority Member: Keaton, Michael
    Committee members and staff

    Legislative Members

    List of legislative members of the committee
    Member District Room Phone
    Santos, Sharon Tomiko (D)
    37 320 John L. O'Brien Building 360-786-7944
    Shavers, Clyde (D)
    Vice Chair
    10 311 John L. O'Brien Building 360-786-7884
    Rude, Skyler (R)
    Ranking Minority Member
    16 122G Legislative Building 360-786-7828
    Keaton, Michael (R)
    Assistant Ranking Minority Member
    25 405 John L. O'Brien Building 360-786-7948
    Bergquist, Steve (D)
    11 438B Legislative Building 360-786-7862
    Callan, Lisa (D)
    5 420 John L. O'Brien Building 360-786-7876
    Chase, Rob (R)
    4 434 John L. O'Brien Building 360-786-7984
    Couture, Travis (R)
    35 404 John L. O'Brien Building 360-786-7902
    Donaghy, Brandy (D)
    44 417 John L. O'Brien Building 360-786-7804
    Eslick, Carolyn (R)
    39 436 John L. O'Brien Building 360-786-7816
    Marshall, Matt (R)
    2 406 John L. O'Brien Building 360-786-7912
    McEntire, Joel (R)
    19 409 John L. O'Brien Building 360-786-7870
    Ortiz-Self, Lillian (D)
    21 434B Legislative Building 360-786-7972
    Pollet, Gerry (D)
    46 438A Legislative Building 360-786-7886
    Reeves, Kristine (D)
    30 132F Legislative Building 360-786-7830
    Rule, Alicia (D)
    42 334 John L. O'Brien Building 360-786-7980
    Scott, Shaun (D)
    43 304 John L. O'Brien Building 360-786-7920
    Steele, Mike (R)
    12 425A Legislative Building 360-786-7832
    Stonier, Monica Jurado (D)
    49 436A Legislative Building 360-786-7872

    Committee Staff

    List of staff members of the committee
    Staff Position Room Phone
    Moreno, Ethan Research Analyst 270 John L. O'Brien Building 360-786-7386
    Wargacki, Megan Counsel 233 John L. O'Brien Building 360-786-7194
    Perry, Zachary Hearing Room Specialist 225A John L. O'Brien Building 360-786-7128
    Swayne, Aidan Committee Document Specialist B1C John L. O'Brien Building 360-786-7141
    Today, February 21, is day 40 of the 2025 regular session
    There are 65 day(s) left this session
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