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House Postsecondary Education & Workforce Committee

Committees hold public hearings on bills, take votes in executive sessions, and study issues in work sessions. Learn about the Postsecondary Education & Workforce Committee, its membership and meetings, and how to participate.

    The Postsecondary Education & Workforce Committee considers issues relating to postsecondary education, including governance and coordination of public and private institutions of higher education and technical training; postsecondary offerings; student success; wraparound services; apprenticeships; lifelong learning; workforce development; training; modification of credentialing of existing health care professions; health care occupational compacts; and removing barriers to employment. 

    House of Representatives
    Committee status
    ​(Please note: This is a general description of issue areas considered by committees; not a definitive or exhaustive listing. It is provided solely to assist the public in understanding the general roles of House committees.)


    Office of Program Research (OPR)



    Legislative hotline operators: 1-800-562-6000


    John L. O'Brien Building

    P.O. Box 40600

    Olympia, WA 98504-0600

    Upcoming committee activity

    See current and upcoming debates, votes, and activities in House Postsecondary Education & Workforce Committee.

    No upcoming meetings to display.

    Committee members and staff

    15 members
    in the House Postsecondary Education & Workforce Committee
    List of ranking members of the committee
    Chair: Slatter, Vandana
    Vice Chair: Entenman, Debra
    Vice Chair: Reed, Julia
    Ranking Minority Member: Ybarra, Alex
    Assistant Ranking Minority Member: Waters, Kevin
    Committee members and staff

    Legislative Members

    List of legislative members of the committee
    Member Room Phone
    Slatter, Vandana (D)
    308 John L. O'Brien Building 360-786-7936
    Entenman, Debra (D)
    Vice Chair
    325 John L. O'Brien Building 360-786-7918
    Reed, Julia (D)
    Vice Chair
    326 John L. O'Brien Building 360-786-7814
    Ybarra, Alex (R)
    Ranking Minority Member
    470 John L. O'Brien Building 360-786-7808
    Waters, Kevin (R)
    Assistant Ranking Minority Member
    467 John L. O'Brien Building 360-786-7994
    Chandler, Bruce (R)
    427B Legislative Building 360-786-7960
    Jacobsen, Cyndy (R)
    122A Legislative Building 360-786-7968
    Klicker, Mark (R)
    122H Legislative Building 360-786-7836
    Leavitt, Mari (D)
    332 John L. O'Brien Building 360-786-7890
    McEntire, Joel (R)
    409 John L. O'Brien Building 360-786-7870
    Nance, Greg (D)
    304 John L. O'Brien Building 360-786-7842
    Paul, Dave (D)
    424 John L. O'Brien Building 360-786-7914
    Pollet, Gerry (D)
    438A Legislative Building 360-786-7886
    Schmidt, Suzanne (R)
    468 John L. O'Brien Building 360-786-7820
    Timmons, Joe (D)
    419 John L. O'Brien Building 360-786-7854

    Committee Staff

    List of staff members of the committee
    Staff Position Room Phone
    Ross, Saranda Counsel 239 John L. O'Brien Building 360-786-7068
    Allison, Elizabeth Counsel 235A John L. O'Brien Building 360-786-7129
    Sugarbaker, Sarah Committee Assistant 243A John L. O'Brien Building 360-786-7167
    The Legislature will convene for the 2025 regular session on January 13, 2025
    The next regular session convenes in 23 day(s) on 01/13/2025
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