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Gallery rules

House Rules outline the respectful behavior expected of guests and visitors to the House, in the House gallery.

House gallery rules

The House gallery is located on the 4th floor of the Legislative Building and overlooks the House chamber. It is open to the public during floor sessions. We encourage you to visit the House gallery and watch your Representatives in action. The rules of the House require that you to be quiet and respectful. Legislators work under a set of rules that allow respectful, courteous debate on sometimes contentious issues. 

PROHIBITED from the gallery are the following:

•               Signs or other props that could be construed as an effort to promote demonstrations

•               Audible or visual signals from the audience to the dais, including whistling, calling, chanting, or waving

•               Animals, other than service animals

•               Applause and/or demonstrations

•               Umbrellas, strollers or similar items that could block movement or take up seating space

•               Openly carried or concealed weapons such as firearms or blades

•               Food and beverages

•               Large cases, backpacks and packages

•               Unattended children

•               Any other object or behavior that the presiding officer determines will disrupt the decorum and order of the chamber


•               Photography

•               Recording devices


•               Remove hats before entering the gallery

•               Turn off cell phones in the gallery

•               For safety purposes, please do not sit in the front row


The House gallery is monitored and enforced by House Security 
Please direct questions to (360) 786-7771

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