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House rules

The Washington State House rules establish procedures and protocols for conducting legislative business in the House of Representatives. These rules provide the framework for how bills are processed, committees operate, and representatives conduct official business.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That ​permanent House Rules for the Sixty-Eighth Legislature be adopted as follows:

Rule 15. Daily Calendar and Order of Business

The rules relating to the daily calendar and order of business are as follows:

(A) DAILY CALENDAR. Business of the house shall be disposed of in the following order:

First: Roll call, presentation of colors, prayer, and approval of the journal of the preceding day.
Second: Introduction of visiting dignitaries.
Third: Messages from the senate, governor, and other state officials.
Fourth: Introduction and first reading of bills, memorials, joint resolutions, and concurrent resolutions.
Fifth: Committee reports.
Sixth: Second reading of bills.
Seventh: Third reading of bills.
Eighth: Floor resolutions and motions.
Ninth: Presentation of petitions, memorials, and remonstrances addressed to the Legislature.
Tenth: Introduction of visitors and other business to be considered.
Eleventh: Announcements.

(B) UNFINISHED BUSINESS. The unfinished business at which the house was engaged preceding adjournment shall not be taken up until reached in regular order, unless the previous question on such unfinished business has been ordered prior to said adjournment.

(C) EXCEPTIONS. Exceptions to the order of business are as follows:

(1) The order of business may be changed by a majority vote of those present.
(2) By motion under the eighth order of business, a bill in the rules committee may be placed on the calendar by the affirmative vote of a majority of all members of the house.
(3) House resolutions and messages from the senate, governor, or other state officials may be read at any time.

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