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House rules

The Washington State House rules establish procedures and protocols for conducting legislative business in the House of Representatives. These rules provide the framework for how bills are processed, committees operate, and representatives conduct official business.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That ​permanent House Rules for the Sixty-Eighth Legislature be adopted as follows:

Rule 16. Motions

Rules relating to motions are as follows:

(A) MOTIONS TO BE ENTERTAINED OR DEBATED. No motion shall be entertained or debated until announced by the speaker and every motion shall be deemed to have been seconded. A motion shall be reduced to writing and read by the clerk, if desired by the speaker or any member, before it shall be debated and by the consent of the house may be withdrawn before amendment or action.

(B) MOTIONS IN ORDER DURING DEBATE. When a motion has been made and seconded and stated by the chair, the following motions are in order, in the rank named:

(1) Privileged motions:
Adjourn to a time certain
Recess to a time certain
Demand for division
Question of privilege
Orders of the day
(2) Subsidiary motions:
First rank: Question of consideration
Second rank: To lay on the table
Third rank: For the previous question
Fourth rank: To postpone to a day certain
To commit or recommit
To postpone indefinitely
Fifth rank: To amend
(3) Incidental motions:
Points of order and appeal
Method of consideration
Suspension of the rules
Reading papers
Withdraw a motion
Division of a question

(C) THE EFFECT OF POSTPONEMENT - MOTIONS TO POSTPONE OR COMMIT. Once decided, no motion to postpone to a day certain, to commit, or to postpone indefinitely shall again be allowed on the same day and at the same stage of the proceedings. When a question has been postponed indefinitely, it shall not again be introduced during the session. The motion to postpone indefinitely may be made at any stage of the bill except when on first reading.

(D) MOTIONS DECIDED WITHOUT DEBATE. A motion to adjourn, to recess, to lay on the table and to call for the previous question shall be decided without debate.

All incidental motions shall be decided without debate, except that members may speak to points of order and appeal as provided in Rule 24.

Motions to adopt house resolutions shall be decided without debate, except as provided in Rule 11(F).

A motion for suspension of the rules shall not be debatable except that the mover of the motion may briefly explain the purpose of the motion and one member may briefly state the opposition to the motion.

(E) MOTION TO ADJOURN. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order, except when the house is voting or is working under the call of the house; but this rule shall not authorize any member to move for adjournment when another member has the floor.

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