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House rules

The Washington State House rules establish procedures and protocols for conducting legislative business in the House of Representatives. These rules provide the framework for how bills are processed, committees operate, and representatives conduct official business.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That ​permanent House Rules for the Sixty-Eighth Legislature be adopted as follows:

Rule 20. Ending of Debate - Previous Question​

The previous question may be ordered by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present on all recognized motions or amendments which are debatable.

The previous question is not debatable and cannot be amended.

The previous question shall be put in this form: "Representative __________ demands the previous question. As many as are in favor of ordering the previous question will say 'Aye'; as many as are opposed will say 'No'."

The results of the motion are as follows: If determined in the negative, the consideration goes on as if the motion had never been made; if decided in the affirmative it shall have the effect of cutting off all debate and bringing the house to a direct vote upon the motion or amendment on which it has been ordered: PROVIDED HOWEVER, That when a bill is on final passage or when the motion to postpone indefinitely is pending, one of the sponsors of the bill or the chair of the committee may have the privilege of closing debate after the previous question has been ordered.

If an adjournment is had after the previous question is ordered, the motion or proposition on which the previous question was ordered shall be put to the house immediately following the approval of the journal on the next working day, thus making the main question privileged over all other business, whether new or unfinished.

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