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Senate emergency parliamentary rules

Read the Senate emergency rules, which are in effect and in addition to the permanent Senate rules.

Adoption date
January 13, 2025
Senate Resolution(s)


WHEREAS, The Facilities and Operations Committee has the authority to determine whether physically convening all members and staff in a single location could present a danger to health or safety of the participants and requires continued operational changes to adhere to public health guidance during the 2025 legislative session; and
WHEREAS, Permanent Senate Rule 70 establishes a process by which the Senate will adopt a resolution establishing the rules and procedures to govern floor and committee action for such a legislative session;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the Senate of the state of Washington, That the following be adopted as the Emergency Parliamentary Rules of the Sixty-Ninth Legislature:

Section II. Parliamentary Procedures

Rule C. Remote Voting​

(1) Members will record their vote using the remote voting system. The clerk will close electronic voting and announce each member's vote individually. The President will call on those members who are present but have not yet voted. The President will then provide members a final opportunity to be recognized and change their votes. The clerk will then announce the vote.
(2) In accordance with Senate Rule 22, once begun, a roll call vote will not be interrupted because a member participating remotely has connectivity issues. However, if a majority of members elected is no longer present due to connectivity issues, a majority of those still present may defer consideration of a bill, adjourn, or recess the Senate until a quorum can be reestablished.

Rule D. Call of the Senate

A call of the Senate may be moved by the majority or minority floor leader and sustained by three Senators. If carried by a majority of those present, the Secretary shall call the roll, after which the names of the absentees shall again be called. The business of the Senate will be suspended until the absent senators are considered within the bar of the Senate for such action as the Senate may deem proper. A call of the Senate may not interrupt a roll call vote, and no penalties shall be sustained for members experiencing connectivity issues.

​Rule E. ​Relieving Rules Committee of Bills

The Senate may relieve the Rules Committee of a bill with the consent of a majority of the Senate, provided that two hours' notice has been given to the President and all members of the Senate by the majority leader. The majority leader will consult with the President prior to giving such notice.

Rule F. Floor Amendments

Any floor amendments must be submitted electronically by a member to the Secretary of the Senate for consideration. Each floor amendment shall be submitted in a separate email with the number of the bill to be amended included in the subject line of the email. Floor amendments received after second reading on the bill has begun shall not be in order.

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