Senate rules
The permanent rules of the Washington Senate inform administrative operations and parliamentary procedures in Senate business, including committee meetings and floor sessions.
Rule 29. Rules of Debate
When any senator is about to speak in debate, or submit any matter to the senate, the senator shall rise, and standing in place, respectfully request recognition by the President, and when recognized shall, in a courteous manner, speak to the question under debate, avoiding personalities; provided that a senator may refer to another member using the title "Senator" and the surname of the other member. With respect to any senators participating remotely under the authority of Senate Rule 8, each caucus shall designate a single member who is charged with seeking recognition on behalf of a senator from that caucus who is participating remotely and wishes to speak. Any senator participating remotely who wishes to speak in debate or submit any matter permitted by Senate Rule 8 to the senate, shall notify the designated member of the senator's desire to speak. The designated member shall seek recognition under the provisions of this section on behalf of the senator participating remotely and, upon recognition, the designated member shall defer to the senator participating remotely. No senator shall impeach the motives of any other member or speak more than twice (except for explanation) during the consideration of any one question, on the same day or a second time without leave, when others who have not spoken desire the floor, but incidental and subsidiary questions arising during the debate shall not be considered the same question. A majority of the members present may further limit the number of times a member may speak on any question and may limit the length of time a member may speak but, unless a demand for the previous question has been sustained, a member shall not be denied the right to speak at least once on each question, nor shall a member be limited to less than two minutes on each question. In any event, the senator who presents the motion may open and close debate on the question.
Rule 30. Recognition by the President
Rule 31. Call for Division of a Question
Rule 32. Point of Order - Decision Appealable
Rule 33. Question of Privilege
Rule 34. Protests
Rule 35. Adoption and Suspension of Rules
Rule 36. Previous Question
The previous question shall not be put unless demanded by three senators, and it shall then be in this form: "Shall the main question be now put?" When sustained by a majority of senators present it shall preclude all debate, except the senator who presents the motion may open and close debate on the question and the vote shall be immediately taken on the question or questions pending before the senate, and all incidental question or questions of order arising after the motion is made shall be decided whether on appeal or otherwise without debate.