Senate rules
The permanent rules of the Washington Senate inform administrative operations and parliamentary procedures in Senate business, including committee meetings and floor sessions.
Rule 1. Duties of the President
Rule 2. President Pro Tempore
Rule 3. Secretary of the Senate
Rule 4. Sergeant at Arms
Rule 5. Subordinate Officers
The subordinate officers of the senate shall perform such duties as usually pertain to their respective positions in legislative bodies under the direction of the president, and such other duties as the senate may impose upon them. Under no circumstances shall the compensation of any employee be increased for past services. (See also Art. 2, Sec. 25, State Constitution.)
Rule 6. Employees
Rule 7. Conduct of Members and Officers
Rule 8. Facilities and Operations
(a) To elected or appointed members of the senate in an amount sufficient to allow performance of their legislative duties.(b) To the secretary of the senate in an amount sufficient to carry out the business of the senate.
Rule 9. Use of Senate Chambers
Rule 10. Admission to the Senate
The sergeant at arms shall admit only the following individuals to the floor and adjacent areas of the senate for the period of time beginning one-half hour before convening and ending when the senate has adjourned or recessed for an hour or more:
Rule 11. Printing of Bills
Rule 12. Furnishing Full File of Bills
Persons, firms, corporations and organizations within the state, desirous of receiving copies of all printed senate bills, shall make application therefor to the secretary of the senate. The bill clerk shall send copies of all printed senate bills to such persons, firms, corporations and organizations as may be ordered by the secretary of the senate. The secretary of the senate is authorized to recoup costs.
Rule 13. Regulation of Lobbyists
Rule 14. Security Management
Rule 15. Time of Convening
Rule 16. Quorum
Rule 17. Order of Business
FIRST. | Reports of committees. |
SECOND. | Motions for reconsideration. |
THIRD. | Messages from the governor and other state officers. |
FOURTH. | Messages from the house of representatives and concurrence and dispute motions. |
FIFTH. | Introduction, first reading and reference of bills, joint memorials, joint resolutions and concurrent resolutions. |
SIXTH. | Second reading of bills. |
SEVENTH. | Third reading of bills. |
EIGHTH. | Presentation of petitions, memorials and floor resolutions. |
NINTH. | Presentation of motions. |
Rule 18. Special Order
Rule 19. Unfinished Business
Rule 20. Motions and Senate Floor Resolutions (How Presented)
Rule 21. Precedence of Motions
When a motion has been made and stated by the chair the following motions are in order, in the rank named:
Adjourn, recess, or go at ease
Demand for call of the senate
Demand for roll call
Demand for division
Question of privilege
Points of order and appeal
Method of consideration
Suspend the rules
Reading papers
Withdraw a motion
Division of a questionSUBSIDIARY MOTIONS
1st Rank: To lay on the table 2nd Rank: For the previous question 3rd Rank: To postpone to a day certain
To commit or recommit
To postpone indefinitely4th Rank: To amend No motion to postpone to a day certain, to commit, or to postpone indefinitely, being decided, shall again be allowed on the same day and at the same stage of the proceedings, and when a question has been postponed indefinitely it shall not again be introduced during the session.
A motion to lay an amendment on the table shall not carry the main question with it unless so specified in the motion to table.
At no time shall the senate entertain a Question of Consideration.
Rule 22. Voting
Rule 23. Announcement of Vote
Rule 24. Call of the Senate
Rule 25. One Subject in a Bill
Rule 26. No Amendment by Mere Reference to Title of Act
Rule 27. Reading of Papers
Rule 28. Comparing Enrolled and Engrossed Bills
Rule 29. Rules of Debate
When any senator is about to speak in debate, or submit any matter to the senate, the senator shall rise, and standing in place, respectfully request recognition by the President, and when recognized shall, in a courteous manner, speak to the question under debate, avoiding personalities; provided that a senator may refer to another member using the title "Senator" and the surname of the other member. With respect to any senators participating remotely under the authority of Senate Rule 8, each caucus shall designate a single member who is charged with seeking recognition on behalf of a senator from that caucus who is participating remotely and wishes to speak. Any senator participating remotely who wishes to speak in debate or submit any matter permitted by Senate Rule 8 to the senate, shall notify the designated member of the senator's desire to speak. The designated member shall seek recognition under the provisions of this section on behalf of the senator participating remotely and, upon recognition, the designated member shall defer to the senator participating remotely. No senator shall impeach the motives of any other member or speak more than twice (except for explanation) during the consideration of any one question, on the same day or a second time without leave, when others who have not spoken desire the floor, but incidental and subsidiary questions arising during the debate shall not be considered the same question. A majority of the members present may further limit the number of times a member may speak on any question and may limit the length of time a member may speak but, unless a demand for the previous question has been sustained, a member shall not be denied the right to speak at least once on each question, nor shall a member be limited to less than two minutes on each question. In any event, the senator who presents the motion may open and close debate on the question.
Rule 30. Recognition by the President
Rule 31. Call for Division of a Question
Rule 32. Point of Order - Decision Appealable
Rule 33. Question of Privilege
Rule 34. Protests
Rule 35. Adoption and Suspension of Rules
Rule 36. Previous Question
The previous question shall not be put unless demanded by three senators, and it shall then be in this form: "Shall the main question be now put?" When sustained by a majority of senators present it shall preclude all debate, except the senator who presents the motion may open and close debate on the question and the vote shall be immediately taken on the question or questions pending before the senate, and all incidental question or questions of order arising after the motion is made shall be decided whether on appeal or otherwise without debate.
Rule 37. Reconsideration
Rule 38. Motion to Adjourn
Rule 39. Yeas and Nays - When Must be Taken
Rule 40. Reed's Parliamentary Rules
Rule 41. Committees - Appointment and Confirmation
Standing Committee | Total Membership |
1. Agriculture & Natural Resources | 9 |
2. Business, Financial Services & Trade | 9 |
3. Early Learning & K-12 Education | 9 |
4. Environment, Energy & Technology | 11 |
5. Health & Long-Term Care | 11 |
6. Higher Education & Workforce Development | 5 |
7. Housing | 7 |
8. Human Services | 5 |
9. Labor & Commerce | 9 |
10. Law & Justice | 9 |
11. Local Government | 5 |
12. Rules | 16 (plus the Lieutenant Governor) |
13. State Government, Tribal Affairs & Elections | 9 |
14. Transportation | 19 |
15. Ways & Means | 24 |
Rule 42. Subcommittees
Rule 43. Subpoena Power
Rule 44. Duties of Committees
Rule 45. Committee Rules
Rule 46. Committee Meetings During Sessions
Rule 47. Reading of Reports
The majority report, and minority report, if there be one, together with the names of the signers thereof, shall be read by the secretary, unless the reading be dispensed with by the senate, and all committee reports shall be spread upon the journal.
Rule 48. Recalling Bills from Committees
Rule 49. Bills Referred to Rules Committee
Rule 50. Rules Committee
Rule 51. Employment Committee
The employment committee for committee staff shall consist of six members, three from the majority party and three from the minority party. The chair shall be appointed by the majority leader. All decisions shall be determined by majority vote. The committee shall operate within staffing, budget levels and guidelines as authorized and adopted by the facilities and operations committee.
Rule 52. Committee of the Whole
Rule 53. Appropriation Budget Bills
Rule 54. Definitions
Rule 55. Prefiling
Holdover members and members-elect to the senate may prefile bills with the secretary of the senate on any day commencing with the first Monday in December preceding any session year; or twenty days prior to any special session of the legislature. Such bills will be printed, distributed and prepared for introduction on the first legislative day. No bill, joint memorial or joint resolution shall be prefiled by title and/or preamble only. (See also Senate Rule 3, Sub. 3.)
Rule 56. Introduction of Bills
Rule 57. Amendatory Bills
Rule 58. Joint Resolutions and Memorials
Rule 59. Senate Concurrent Resolutions
Rule 60. Committee Bills
Rule 61. Committee Reference
FIRST. | A standing committee. |
SECOND. | A select committee. |