Accessibility for participating
Learn how our services help remove language barriers and make the legislative process more accessible.
The following services are designed to break down language barriers and make the legislative process more accessible for all members of the public. To request these services, please complete our online request form.
TTY assistance
Any legislative number can be reached via the state Telephone Relay Service at 800-833-6384 (voice) or 800-833-6388 (TTY).
Assistive listening devices
Assistive listening devices are available by request and may be used at any seat in the committee rooms, some conference rooms, and public galleries in the House and Senate chambers. Headsets with induction neck-loops are available for people using hearing aids and cochlear implants with a "T" switch (telecoil). Ask your audiologist whether your hearing aid or cochlear implant has a "T" switch and how to use it with an assistive listening headset. Ask Senate or House Security staff to request headsets and neck-loops.
American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters and readers
If you require an ASL interpreter or reader, please contact the appropriate ADA Coordinator for the House or Senate 48 hours in advance. The more advance notice you can provide, the higher the likelihood your request can be fulfilled. Interpretation services are available only when meeting with legislators if the meeting has been scheduled and confirmed. We want to ensure we can meet your needs, so please schedule your appointments with legislators in advance and submit your requests as early as possible. We're committed to doing our best to accommodate everyone.
Spoken language interpretation
Spoken language interpretation services are available upon request. Please contact the appropriate ADA Coordinator for the House or Senate at least 48 hours in advance. The more advance notice you can provide, the higher the likelihood your request can be fulfilled. Interpretation services are available only when meeting with legislators if the meeting has been scheduled and confirmed. We want to ensure we can meet your needs, so please schedule your appointments with legislators in advance and submit your requests as early as possible. We're committed to doing our best to accommodate everyone.
Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART)
CART is a service that turns spoken words into written text as they are being said. This helps people who are deaf or hard of hearing follow along by reading the text on a screen. CART can be used during meetings, events, or public hearings, allowing you to follow along by reading the live transcription on a screen, computer, or mobile device. You can request this service if you or someone you know need help understanding spoken information in real time. Please provide at least 48 hours' notice to the appropriate ADA coordinator for the House or Senate to ensure availability.
Documents in alternate formats
Legislative documents can be provided in alternate formats, including large print, Braille, or audio tape. Please contact the appropriate ADA Coordinator for the House or Senate with as much advance notice as possible to accommodate your request.
Picture-in-picture ASL interpretation
The Washington State Legislature, in collaboration with TVW, is pleased to announce the continuation of its pilot project to provide picture-in-picture American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation for selected House and Senate hearings during the 2025 legislative session.
As part of our commitment to accessibility, selected hearings will continue to be broadcast via TVW with ASL interpretation in a picture-in-picture format. While this view is not available within the physical committee rooms, it can be accessed through laptops, tablets, smartphones, or other internet-connected devices.
Please note:
Picture-in-picture ASL interpretation is distinct from individual ASL interpretation requests for persons attending hearings or meetings in person. Requests for onsite interpretation should be submitted at least 48 hours in advance by completing our interpretation request form and coordinating with the ADA Coordinators in the House or Senate.
Requests for picture-in-picture ASL interpretation for specific hearings or all hearings are not available at this time.
The preliminary schedule for hearings featuring picture-in-picture ASL interpretation for the upcoming week will be posted each Friday. This schedule is subject to change.
The Legislature remains committed to improving access and will evaluate the success of this pilot as it progresses through the 2025 session. For more information or to provide feedback, please email us at
Contact an accessibility coordinator
The Senate, the House of Representatives, and Legislative Support Services (LSS) have appointed ADA Coordinators to coordinate the implementation of the ADA and to provide assistance if questions or concerns arise. These coordinators only support access and communication to legislative activities and facilities. The ADA Coordinators are:
Kyle Overmiller, House ADA Coordinator
Technology & Facilities Director
336C Legislative Building
P.O. Box 40600
Olympia, WA 98504-0600
Bao Xiong, Senate ADA Coordinator
Systems Analyst
Irv Newhouse Building, Room 221A
P.O. Box 40482
Olympia, WA 98504-0482
Kacey Rowe, Legislative Support Services (LSS) ADA Coordinator
HR Business Partner
P.O. Box 40500
Olympia, WA 98504-0500