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Page school

Learn more about one of the many benefits to being a page: the page school.

Welcome to the page school

The page school is an essential part of each student’s week as a page.  The goal of the page school is to supplement the hands-on experience of a page, while strengthening their understanding of Washington government. The page dchool is unique because it serves an extremely diverse population of students that come to Olympia from every county in Washington.  

School ages range from 7th through 11th grade and come from learning environments that vary from homeschool, to public, private, and charter settings. It accommodates special needs students, and some of the most advanced students in the state. To provide the best experience possible to all types of learners, the school employs two certificated teachers and maintains class sizes below 15. 

Pages attend the school for 2 hours each day in a mixed class setting with House and Senate pages. Using activities, technology, and guest speakers, the group endeavors down a path of learning focused on the 3 branches of government, the lawmaking process, and the importance of civil discourse.  The capstone project is a mock committee hearing that takes place in the actual committee rooms used by our legislators. This is streamed online by TVW for families, friends, and educators to observe.

What pages are saying

"This week as a page has been a great experience that I highly recommend to anyone interested. Being so involved in the governing process has brought me knowledge and experience that I couldn't have received anywhere else. Government regulates our lives every day. If you don't like what they're doing, you can get involved and start making a difference." 


"When you are a page, you learn that governing society is a very complex process. While working, pages observe the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government, all working diligently to perform their duties…Participating in a mock committee hearing, working on the floor, and delivering things to the different buildings on the capitol campus demonstrated just how complicated it is to have a successful government. Attending the mock committee hearing for page school showed me the importance of senators and representatives voting on bills, researching information, and paying attention while making laws."  



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