About Washington State Legislature RSS Feeds

The Legislature website currently provides RSS feeds for every bill introduced to the Legislature. Feeds are available for individual bills or you may subscribe to a bill topic feed that has updates for every bill in a certain topic.

Individual Bill Feeds
Each feed lists the latest actions and the brief description for the bill. Each action in the feed is listed along with a corresponding number representing the sequential order of the actions. For instance, an action starting with "01" means that was the first action for that bill. In addition, links to the appropriate bill summary pages are provided in each feed.

Bill feeds will also list when an amendment has been proposed for a bill and processed by Legislative staff.  Once that happens, the content of the feed will list the name of the amendment and a link to the document.  Amendment updates are not included in the numbering mentioned above.

Bill Topic Feeds
As part of the bill process, each bill is assigned to a topic area by those who draft the bills. Each topic feed provides updates whenever a bill is added to that topic area.

The feeds are provided free of charge and you may subscribe to any number of feeds to track the bills that interest you. However, it might be necessary for us to place some limits on feeds if the volume and frequency of feed updates becomes too high. 

To subscribe to the feed for an individual bill:

  1. Search for a bill in the Bill Information section or in Detailed Legislative Reports.
  2. Click the orange RSS icon next to the bill number to which you wish to subscribe.
  3. Follow the instructions on the screen to subscribe to the feed using your RSS reader.

To subscribe to the feed for a topic area:

  1. Go to the Topical Index section of Detailed Legislative Reports.
  2. Click the “By Subject” radio button and you can either choose from the list or select a letter to see all of the topics beginning with that letter.
  3. Click the orange RSS icon next to the topic to which you wish to subscribe.
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen to subscribe to the feed using your RSS reader.

For more information, see What is RSS?