Demographic experience study
The following page contains studies that include assumptions about future events. Assumptions are a necessary component of the actuarial valuations.
2013-2018 Demographic Experience Study
Assumptions about future events are a necessary component of the actuarial valuations. Key among them are:
- Members' future rates of retirement and disability.
- Their total length of service.
- The rate at which their salaries will increase.
OSA performs experience studies at least once every six years to determine at what rate the above factors have actually occurred in the retirement systems. We compare actual rates to the assumptions and, if necessary, we make adjustments to the rates for future valuations.
Click on the titles below to open the PDF.
2013-2018 Demographic Experience Study
Individual sections are below.
Demographic Experience Study Audit Report
Section 1: Executive Summary
Section 2: Development of Demographic Assumptions
Section 3: Appendices
Results by System
Service-Based Salary Increases
Miscellaneous Assumptions
Average Final Compensation Load
LEOFF Plan 2 Percent Law Enforcement Officer/Firefighter
Portability of First-Class Cities
Probability of Withdrawing Contributions
Assumptions Removed from Future Studies
Section 4: Glossary
See also our online Glossary.