Recommendations for transit oriented development policies in Washington state
JTC Project Manager: Dave Catterson –
The 2024 Supplemental Transportation Budget (ESHB 2134, Section 204(13)) directed the JTC to contract with a national expert on developing inclusive, mixed-income, mixed-use transit-oriented housing to complete a review of transit-oriented development conditions in cities in King, Pierce, Spokane, Clark, and Snohomish counties that have populations of more than 12,500; and have at least one major transit stop. The review will include recommendations for state-level policy to expand housing and mixed-use transit-oriented development in a manner that minimizes displacement of existing communities and ensures housing near transit remains affordable to low-income Washingtonians.
The JTC has contracted with the Urban Institute to conduct this study. The final report is due to the Legislature by June 30, 2025.