Joint Transportation Committee


​WSDOT Project Delivery & Innovative Practices study  

In the 2024 Supplemental Transportation Budget (HB 2134, Section 204) the Washington State Legislature directed the Joint Transportation Committee (JTC) to conduct a study on alternative project delivery methods and innovative practices that may be used by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) in public works contracting.

The study must:

  • Review use of several project delivery methods, and how those methods impact cost, contract competition, and project delivery schedule
  • Evaluate innovative project delivery practices utilized around the country and Washington state-specific possibilities
  • Examine contracting methods, alternative bundling concepts, and other options to manage costs as WSDOT continues to make progress on meeting the requirements of the federal U.S. v. Washington court injunction
  • Engage with industry stakeholders including, but not limited to, engineering, contracting, environmental, and women and minority-owned business communities

​The JTC has hired HKA Global, LLC to conduct the study and the consultant will provide recommendations on any changes to current practices and statutory requirements.

The consultant must submit a preliminary report by December 15, 2024 and the final report is due to the transportation committees of the Legislature and Governor's office by June 30, 2025.