Joint Transportation Committee

2016 Database information for the Road-Rail Conflict Prioritization Study


Three PDF documents with context information and data documentation:

  • Data Context and Documentation summarizes the data available and how it was used in the study process   
  • Appendix A from the study Final Report contains data documentation information
  • Appendix D from the study Final Report contains a user guide for the Online Mapping Tool


Three spreadsheets with data measuring and scoring impacts at at-grade crossing locations:

  • The Step 1 data spreadsheet includes the data collected for all 2,180 study crossings for the purpose of identifying the crossings with the highest likelihood of impacts
  • The Step 2 data spreadsheet includes more in depth data collected for just the 302 prominent crossings. 
  • The Step 2 notes spreadsheet includes more data documentation information for a subset of the criteria:  emissions, level of safety protection, network sensitivity.


Note for users who download this data:  If you modify the data for your area, please document the changes.  The intent of the study was to make this information publicly available.  As users make changes to the data, however, the various copies of spreadsheets will no longer be comparable or produce consistent results.  By documenting your changes, any statewide update of the data can benefit from your work.