Joint Transportation Committee

​Washington State Patrol Trooper Recruitment and Retention Study

2ESHB 1299, Sec 204(1) appropriates $250,000 for a study of trooper recruitment and retention issues, in order to identify potential barriers to effective recruitment of cadets, and the retention of troopers of various levels of tenure.  The study will provide recommendations on how best to attract and retain the highest quality trooper workforce.  A final report due on December 14, 2015.
Budget:  $250,000
JTC Staff:  Alyson Cummings, with Mary Fleckenstein as back-up​
HTC and STC Staff:  Jerry Long and Amanda Cecil
Report due date:  December 14, 2015  ​

Final Report - Washington State Patrol Trooper Recruitment and Retention Study, January 7, 2016

​Trooper Study Workgroup Meeting
July 21, 2015 (9:00 am - 12:00 pm)
JTC Office, Olympia
Conference Room  ​
PFM presentation      

Trooper Study Workgroup Meeting
September 2, 2015 (10:00 am - 11:00 am)
JTC Office, Olympia
Conference Room or via Webinar
Agenda and materials   

Trooper Study Workgroup Meeting
October 14, 2015 (2:00 pm - 3:00 pm)
JTC Office, Olympia
Conference Room or via Webinar
Surveys & Benchmarks document   

Presented at JTC Meeting on 10/22/15:
Trooper Recruitment and Retention Study Update    

Trooper Study Workgroup Meeting

November 2, 2015 (1:30 pm - 3:00 pm)
JTC Office, Olympia
Conference room or via Webinar   

Trooper Study Workgroup Meeting
November 10, 2015 (2:30 pm - 4:00 pm)
JTC Office, Olympia
Conference room or via Webinar

Trooper Study Workgroup Meeting
December 8, 2015 (10:30 am - 12:00 pm)  
JTC Office, Olympia
Conference room or via Webinar

Presented at JTC Meeting on 12/17/15:
WSP Recruitment and Retention Study presentation   
WSP Recruitment and Retention Study Draft Final Report   
WSP Recruitment and Retention Study Draft Executive Summary