Advisory Opinion 96-07
Use of Public Resources - Congratulatory Letters
The Board had concluded in AO#95-No.17 that it was not an improper use of public resources for a legislator to use office stationery to congratulate a constituent who had achieved an extraordinary civic distinction. However, RCW 42.17.132 at this time prohibited mailing any letter in an election year unless the constituent had initiated the contact with the legislator.
The Board acknowledged there was
nothing improper with congratulatory letters for civic distinction but the
technical requirements of 42.17.131 could not be ignored. The result - a
constituent would have to request his or her own congratulatory letter. The
Board recommended the Legislature look at the statute to see if that was its
intent. The Legislature later amended the statute on congratulatory letters so
that the constituent request was not required. RCW 41.52.185.