The Senate consists of 49 individuals, who serve for 4-year terms. Each Senator lives in and represents 1 legislative district consisting of about 157,000 people. Senator's terms are staggered: Voters elect about half of the Senators in every even-numbered year's election. Each Senator serves on several committees which meet frequently during session to discuss proposed laws and hear input from the public. The Lieutenant Governor is the President of the Senate and presides over the Senate during floor sessions in the Senate chamber.
Pursuant to the Washington Constitution, the Legislature meets in Olympia for a legislative session every year, beginning the second Monday in January. In odd-numbered years, the legislative session lasts 105 days, and in even-numbered years, it lasts 60 days.
Office of the Secretary of the Senate
P.O. Box 40482
Olympia, WA 98504-0482
Senate members and staff
Today's activity in the Senate
See current and upcoming debates, votes, and activities in the Senate.
No floor sessions to display.
Senate committee activity
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Senate committees
Committees hold public hearings on bills, vote in executive sessions, and study issues in work sessions. Committees are divided by topics, and bills are generally referred to the most relevant committee. Learn more about Senate committees on the Senate Committee Services page.