Actuarial reporting
Actuarial studies and data provided by the Office of the State Actuary on the health and future of Washington's pension system and other state financial security programs.
Actuarial services
- GET Prepaid Tuition Plan (GET)
Actuarial services and consulting provided to the Committee on Advanced Tuition Payment and College Savings (WA529 Committee) concerning the GET Program.
- Healthcare actuarial analysis
Healthcare actuarial services that the Office of the State Actuary (OSA) provides to the Legislature.
- Other Postemployment Benefits (OPEB)
Actuarial valuation reports for Public Employees Benefits Board (PEBB) OPEB and Law Enforcement Offices and Fire Fighters (LEOFF) Plan 1 OPEB.
- WA Cares Fund
Office of the State Actuary (OSA) is responsible for providing recommendations to the Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Trust Commission and the Legislature on actions necessary to achieve and maintain trust solvency.
Pension related actuarial services
- Funding
This page includes links to the current contribution rates, valuation reports, risk assessments and cost of living adjustments.
- Studies
This page include links to demographic and economic studies, non-standard studies of interest, and presentations we have provided recently to various committees, agencies, and stakeholder groups.
- Supporting information
This page provides links to current and historical information about plan participants, key benefit provisions by plan, assumptions and methods, and historical economic information.
- Higher Ed supplemental retirement plan
OSA contracts with the seven higher education institutions that participate in the Supplemental Retirement Plan. OSA provides actuarial support to help meet the financial reporting and accounting needs for this plan.
- Volunteer fire fighters
OSA assists the Board for Volunteer Fire Fighters and Reserve Officers (VFF) and the Washington State Legislature by providing actuarial services and consulting concerning the VFF plan.
- Fiscal notes
Framework used by the Office of the State Actuary (OSA) to development actuarial fiscal notes.
- Pension education
Educational resources provided by the Office of the State Actuary.