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Pension Funding Council

This council is made up of members from the House and Senate, and also non-legislative members. The committee typically conducts work sessions outside of the legislative session. Learn about the committee, its meetings, and how to participate.

    The Pension Funding Council consists of 6 members: the director of the Department of Retirement Systems, the director of the Office of Financial Management, the chair and ranking minority member of the House of Representatives Appropriation Committee, and the chair and ranking minority member of the Senate Ways and Means Committee.

    The Council is responsible for setting economic assumptions and the related pension contribution rates for the state's 11 pension plans. At least once every 6 years, the Council administers an audit of the actuarial of the valuation used for rate setting.

    Authorizing legislation:

    Committee status


    Office of Program Research


    P.O. Box 40600

    Olympia, WA 98504-0600

    Senate Committee Services


    P.O. Box 40466

    Olympia, WA 98504-0466

    Upcoming committee activity

    See current and upcoming debates, votes, and activities in Pension Funding Council.

    No upcoming meetings to display.

    Committee members and staff

    5 members
    in the Pension Funding Council
    Committee members and staff

    Legislative Members

    List of legislative members of the committee
    Member District Room Phone
    Corry, Chris (R)
    15 335A Legislative Building 360-786-7810
    Ormsby, Timm (D)
    3 315 John L. O'Brien Building 360-786-7946
    Robinson, June (D)
    38 303 John A. Cherberg Building 360-786-7674

    Non-Legislative Members

    List of non-legislative members of the committee
    Member Organization and Position
    Guerin, Tracy Department of Retirement Systems, Director
    Sullivan, Pat Office of Financial Management, Director

    Committee Staff

    List of staff members of the committee
    Staff Position Room Phone
    Cecil, Amanda Sr. Fiscal Analyst 324 John A. Cherberg Building 360-786-7460
    Pringle, David Counsel 226 John L. O'Brien Building 360-786-7310
    McCollum, Lisa Committee Assistant 222A John L. O'Brien Building 360-786-7155
    Tietjen, Dana Committee Assistant 311B John A. Cherberg Building 360-786-7784
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