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Office of the State Actuary

Office of the State Actuary (OSA) is an independent and non-partisan Legislative agency that supports state financial security programs including the state’s public retirement systems, GET Prepaid Tuition Plan (GET), and the Long-Term Services and Support program.

    Today, March 23, is day 70 of the 2025 regular session
    There are 35 day(s) left this session


    Office of the State Actuary

    The statutory requirements of OSA encompass a range of critical responsibilities, including calculating and certifying contribution rates for the Pension Funding Council (PFC) based on current laws, recommending economic assumptions to the PFC and the Select Committee on Pension Policy (SCPP) every two years, and performing actuarial valuations for all state-funded or state-sponsored retirement plans.

    OSA also conducts demographic experience studies every six years to compare actual experience with actuarial assumptions, prepares actuarial fiscal notes for legislation affecting state retirement plans, and provides actuarial assistance to the SCPP, the Legislature, and the Governor.

    Additionally, OSA provides actuarial services to other state financial security programs and the agencies and boards that support those programs including the Department of Retirement Systems, Law Enforcement Officers’ and Fire Fighters’ Plan 2 Retirement Board, Board for Volunteer Fire Fighters’ and Reserve Officers, the GET Prepaid Tuition Plan (GET), Long-Term Services and Supports Trust Commission, and Institutions of Higher Education. 

    Our office is led by the State Actuary. The State Actuary is appointed by the State Actuary Appointment Committee.

    Information on OSA performance measurements can be found in the 2025 Report on Performance



    P. O. Box 40914

    Olympia, WA 98504-0914


    2100 Evergreen Park Drive SW

    Suite 150

    Olympia, WA 98502

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