View documents about the work we've done during legislative sessions.
See documents about the most recent legislative session including pictorial guide, telephone directory and committee assignments, statistical summary, governor action, and cutoff lists.
A historical list of session cutoff calendars from 1986 to present.
We record the activities that happen on each day of the legislative session. Access daily journals from the most recent session or past sessions dating back to 2005.
Find documents we published for past legislative sessions but no longer create.
Floor journals have information about specific legislative sessions from 1890 to 2024.
We produce legislative manuals every 2 years; they are guides with details about legislators, procedures, and more. Find legislative manuals from 1889 to 2026.
See which legislators voted for or against specific bills during sessions from 1979 to 2024.
Documents providing detail about the biennial and supplemental budgets from 1979-present.