Contact SCPP Members and Staff
The SCPP is comprised of 20 members, including legislators, members appointed by the Governor, and the Directors of the Department of Retirement Systems and the Office of Financial Management. The Office of the State Actuary provides non-partisan staff to the SCPP.
Committee Members
Members are listed by category of membership, then alphabetically by last name.
An asterisk denotes Executive Committee members.
Member |
Contact |
*Senator Matt Boehnke, Chair |
(360) 786-7614 |
*Representative Joe Fitzgibbon, Vice Chair |
(360) 786-7952 |
(360) 786-7656 |
(360) 786-7668 |
(360) 786-7826 |
(360) 786-7674 |
(360) 786-7846 |
(360) 786-7922 |
Executive Directors
Member | Contact |
*Kathryn Leathers, Director Department of Retirement Systems |
(360) 664-7312 |
K.D. Chapman-See, Director Office of Financial Management |
(360) 902-0555 |
Active Members
Member | Contact |
Michael Rainey |
(425) 328-8268 |
*J. Pat Thompson |
(425) 864-4058 |
Wally Watson |
(509) 926-0201 |
Michael Yestramski |
(410) 474-7154 |
Member | Contact |
Annette Creekpaum, PERS Employers |
(360) 427-5202 |
*Anthony Murrietta |
(206) 579-4134 |
Vacant | |
Vacant |
Member | Contact |
*Bev Hermanson, PERS Retirees |
(360) 951-6384 |
Mark Soper, WSPRS Retirees |
(253) 569-4491 |
Current Terms of Membership
Legislative members serve from the close of the session in which they are appointed, until the close of the next regular session held in an odd-numbered year. If a successor is not appointed during a session, the member's term continues until the member is reappointed or a successor is appointed.
Committee Staff
Melinda Aslakson
Policy and Research Services Manager
Aaron Gutierrez
Senior Policy Analyst
Darren Painter
Senior Policy Analyst
Beth Halverson
Senior Administrative Assistant
Laylani Tatum
Administrative Assistant