Members of the House and Senate also serve on committees. Each committee reviews and hears testimony about bills.
Get involved
Committee meetings are open to the public. Find out how to participate in this important step of the lawmaking process.
- How to testify at a committee meeting
You are welcome to participate in committee meetings. See how to testify in person, remotely, or in writing.
- Sign in to a committee meeting
User our online registration form to sign up for a committee or legislative agency meeting.
- Learn and participate
New to the legislative process in Washington state? View our educational resources to understand how it works.
- Watch on TVW
Committee meeting are streamed live on TVW.
Look up a committee
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- Archived Legislative Advisory Committee to the Committee on Advanced Tuition Payment
Joint Committee
Additional information
See a list of inactive joint committees, work groups, and task forces.
- Inactive
Below is a list of inactive joint committees, work groups, and task forces.