1995 House class photo
House of Representatives class photo for the class of 1995
Top row (L - R):
Marlin Appelwick - King; Bill Backlund - King; Ida Ballasiotes - King; Bob Basich - Pacific, Grays Harbor, Wahkiakum; Barney Beeksma - Island, Skagit, Snohomish; Don Benton - Clark, Skamania; Jerry Blanton - Snohomish; Marc Boldt - Clark, Skamania; Lisa J. Brown - Spokane; Bill Brumsickle - Lewis, Thurston; Jim Buck - Clallam, Jefferson, Grays Harbor; Jack Cairnes - King; Tom Campbell - Pierce; Don Carlson - Clark; Michael Carrell - Pierce; Sarah Casada - Pierce
2nd row (L - R):
Gary Chandler - Adams, Grant, Kittitas, Yakima; David J. Chappell - Lewis, Pierce, Thurston; Frank Chopp - King; Jim Clements - Yakima; Eileen L. Cody - King; Grace Cole - King; Steve Conway - Pierce; Suzette Cooke - King; Jeralita Costa - Snohomish; Larry Crouse - Spokane; Dennis A. Dellwo - Spokane; Jerome Delvin - Benton; Mary Lou Dickerson - King; Philip E. Dyer - King; Brian Ebersole - Pierce; Ian Elliot - King, Snohomish
3rd row (L - R):
Greg Fisher - King; Ruth Fisher - Pierce; Dale Foreman - Chelan, Okanogan, Douglas, Grant; Steve Fuhrman - Ferry, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Okanogan, Stevens, Spokane; Gene Goldsmith - Whatcom; William A. Grant - Walla Walla, Benton, Franklin; Shirley Hankins - Benton; Steve Hargrove - Kitsap; Brian Hatfield - Pacific, Grays Harbor, Wahkiakum, Cowlitz; Timothy T. Hickel - King, Pierce; Jim Honeyford - Klickitat, Skamania, Benton, Yakima; Jim Horn - King
4th row (L - R):
Tom G. Huff - Kitsap, Pierce; Cheryl Hymes - San Juan, Skagit, Whatcom; Ken Jacobsen - King; Peggy Johnson - Mason, Grays Harbor, Kitsap, Thurston; Lynn Kessler - Clallam, Jefferson, Grays Harbor; John Koster - King, Snohomish; Pete Kremen - Whatcom; Kathy Lambert - King; Barbara Lisk - Benton, Yakima; Dawn Mason - King; Dave Mastin - Franklin, Garfield, Columbia, Walla Walla, Asotin; Lois McMahan - Kitsap, Pierce
5th row (L - R):
Cathy McMorris - Ferry, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Stevens, Okanogan, Spokane; Todd Mielke - Spokane; Maryann Mitchell - King, Pierce; Betty Sue Morris - Clark, Cowlitz; Joyce Mulliken - Benton, Kittitas, Grant, Yakima; Val Ogden - Clark; Mike Padden - Spokane; Julia Patterson - King; Grant Pelesky - King, Pierce; John Pennington - Clark, Lewis, Cowlitz; Erik Poulsen - King; Dave Quall - San Juan, Skagit, Whatcom; Renee Radcliff - Snohomish; Bill H. Reams - King; Debbie Regala - Pierce; Eric Robertson - King, Pierce
6th row (L - R):
Sandra Romero - Thurston; Nancy S. Rust - King; Dave Schmidt - Snohomish; Karen Schmidt - Kitsap; Mark G. Schoesler - Adams, Spokane, Whitman, Asotin; Patricia Scott - Snohomish; Barry Sehlin - Island, Skagit, Snohomish; Larry Sheahan - Adams, Spokane, Whitman, Asotin; Timothy Sheldon - Grays Harbor, Mason, Kitsap, Thurston; Mike Sherstad - King, Snohomish; Jean Silver - Spokane; Mary Skinner - Yakima; Scott Smith - Pierce; Helen Sommers - King; Val Stevens - King, Snohomish; Gigi Talcott - Pierce
7th row (L - R):
Pat Thibaudeau - King; Brian Thomas - King; Les Thomas - King, Pierce; Bill Thompson - Snohomish; Kip Tokuda - King; Georgette Valle - King; Steve Van Luven - King; Velma Veloria - King; Cathy Wolfe - Thurston; Timothy A. Martin - Chief Clerk; Sharon Hayward - Deputy Chief Clerk
Center: Speaker of the House; Clyde Ballard - Chelan, Douglas, Okanogan, Kittitas, Grant