2002 House class photo
House of Representatives class photo for the class of 2002
Top row (L - R):
John Ahern - Spokane; Gary Alexander - Lewis, Pierce, Thurston; Glenn Anderson - King; Mike Armstrong - Chelan, Okanogan, Douglas, Grant; Clyde Ballard - Chelan, Okanogan, Douglas, Grant; Ida Ballasiotes - King; Kelly Barlean - Island, Skagit, Snohomish; Brad Benson - Spokane; Jean Berkey - Snohomish; Marc Boldt - Clark, Skamania; Jim Buck - Clallam, Jefferson, Grays Harbor; Roger Bush - Pierce; Jack Cairnes - King; Tom Campbell - Pierce; Mike Carrell - Pierce; Sarah Casada - King, Pierce
2nd row (L - R):
Bruce Chandler - Klickitat, Skamania, Yakima, Benton; Maralyn Chase - King; Jim Clements - Yakima; Eileen L. Cody - King; Steve Conway - Pierce; Mike Cooper - Snohomish; Don Cox - Adams, Spokane, Whitman, Asotin; Larry Crouse - Spokane; Jeannie Darneille - Pierce; Richard DeBolt - Lewis, Pierce, Thurston; Jerome Delvin - Benton; Mary Lou Dickerson - King; Mark L. Doumit - Pacific, Grays Harbor, Wahkiakum, Cowlitz; Jim Dunn - Clark, Skamania; Hans Dunshee - King, Snohomish; Jeanne Edwards - King, Snohomish
3rd row (L - R):
William Eickmeyer - Mason, Grays Harbor, Kitsap, Thurston; Doug Ericksen - Whatcom; Luke Esser - King; Ruth Fisher - Pierce; Bill Fromhold - Clark; Jeff Gombosky - Spokane; William A. Grant - Walla Walla, Benton, Franklin; Kathy Haigh - Mason, Grays Harbor, Kitsap, Thurston; Shirley Hankins - Benton; Brian Hatfield - Pacific, Grays Harbor, Wahkiakum, Cowlitz; Janéa Holmquist - Kittitas, Benton, Grant, Yakima; Sam Hunt - Thurston
4th row (L - R):
Christopher Hurst - King, Pierce; Brock Jackley - Pierce, Kitsap; Fred Jarrett - King; Ruth Kagi - King; Phyllis Gutierrez Kenney - King; Lynn Kessler - Clallam, Jefferson, Grays Harbor; Steve Kirby - Pierce; Patricia T. Lantz - Pierce, Kitsap; Kelli Linville - Whatcom; Barbara Lisk - Benton, Yakima; John Lovick - Snohomish; Toni Lysen - King
5th row (L - R):
Dave Mastin - Franklin, Garfield, Columbia, Walla Walla, Asotin; Joe McDermott - King; Jim McIntire - King; Cathy McMorris - Ferry, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Stevens, Okanogan, Spokane; Tom Mielke - Clark, Lewis, Cowlitz; Mark Miloscia - King, Pierce; Maryann Mitchell - King, Pierce; Dave Morell - King, Pierce; Jeff Morris - San Juan, Skagit, Whatcom; Joyce Mulliken - Benton, Kittitas, Grant, Yakima; Ed Murray - King; Toby Nixon - King; Al O'Brien - King, Snohomish; Val Ogden - Clark; Edmund Orcutt - Clark, Lewis, Cowlitz; Kirk Pearson - King Snohomish
6th row (L - R):
Cheryl Pflug - King; Dave Quall - San Juan, Skagit, Whatcom; Aaron Reardon - Snohomish; Dan Roach - King, Pierce; Phil Rockefeller - Kitsap; Sandra Singery Romero - Thurston; Laura Ruderman - King; Sharon Tomiko Santos - King; Lynn Schindler - Spokane; Dave Schmidt - Snohomish; Mark G. Schoesler - Adams, Spokane, Whitman, Asotin; Shay Schual-Berke - King; Barry Sehlin - Island, Skagit, Snohomish; Geoff Simpson - King; Mary Skinner - Yakima; Helen Sommers - King
7th row (L - R):
Brian Sullivan - Snohomish; Bob Sump - Ferry, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Stevens, Spokane, Okanogan; Gigi Talcott - Pierce; Kip Tokuda - King; Dave Upthegrove - King; Steve Van Luven - King; Velma Veloria - King; Alex Wood - Spokane; Beverly Woods - Kitsap; Cynthia Zehnder - Chief Clerk; Bill Wegeleben - Deputy Chief Clerk
Center: Speaker of the House; Frank Chopp - King