Pension resources
Resources used by the Office of the State Actuary (OSA).
- Understanding risks to pensions
This page informs decision-makers and plan beneficiaries about key risks to the pension system.
- Pension contribution rates
On this page you’ll find the contribution rate-setting process and links to the current contribution rates.
- Cost-of-living adjustments
Education and context on cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs), as it relates to the actuarial work of the Office of the State Actuary (OSA).
- Interactive pension reports
The Interactive Reports allow for various plan measure calculations based on the user selecting key assumptions. You can use this tool to calculate funded status and download projected benefit payments under varying parameters.
- Pension risk assessment
The risk assessment helps stakeholders understand the potential likelihood of adverse outcomes occurring in the state pension systems.
- Pension valuations
These reports supply the background calculations for determining the contribution rates, as well as the most current AVR information on funded status, plan assets, and participant data.
Supporting information
- Active membership by employer
Data on active membership for the WA state public pension systems.
- Actuarial assumptions
This page describes the actuarial assumptions used in the valuation process.
- Actuarial methods
This page describes the actuarial methods used in the valuation process.
- Age distributions
The following information present membership distributions by age, based on the June 30, 2023 Actuarial Valuation Report, for the following Washington State public pension systems:
- Historical valuation data
Data used for the actuarial valuation reports produced by the Office of the State Actuary.
- Inflation data
Historical Consumer Price Index (CPI) data
- Projections model assumptions and methods
Summarizes the assumptions and methods for the Office of the State Actuary’s 2023 Valuation Projections Model.
- Return on investment
Historical commingled trust fund performance
- Summary of plan provisions
High-level summaries of plan provisions for the WA state public pension systems.